Junior Varsity Baseball Faces Tomball JV Team

The JV (junior varsity) boys baseball team played a home game against Tomball on Wednesday, April 12, 2023. It was two games, one starting 5 p.m and another at 7 p.m. For both games, Tomball takes the win, 3-8 and 0-3.

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  • Deep in thought, junior Beldon Smith reflects on the game. The team did not get a score, but he was happy about getting a hit in.

  • Determined to defend his team, junior Diego Salinas gets into position to throw his best pitches. Support from Salinas’ team boosted his performance out on the field.

  • Before the game begins, junior Beldon Smith helps junior Chase Childs adjust his baseball uniform.

  • To prepare the pitcher’s mound for the game, sophomore Gerardo Cervantes uses a rake to remove excess dirt.

  • From afar, freshman Marquez Oziel enjoys watching the game while keeping track of the score. He was optimistic about the outcome.

  • At the dugout, junior Emilio Estrada focuses on the other team’s pitcher warming up. He thought about how to approach the pitcher when it was his time to bat.

  • Junior Francisco Rodriguez gets ready by going through his usual routines to prepare for the game.

  • While watching the opposing team practice, sophomore Darian Gonzales eats a piece of licorice alongside his teammates.

  • During the game, sophomore Gerardo Cervantes passes licorice to players on the opposing team.

  • Joking around with his teammates, junior Francisco Rodriguez laughs while eating licorice before it’s his turn to bat. They laughed about giving their opponents licorice.

  • Junior Andrew Flores tries his best to put all his focus on the game to hit the ball.

  • Junior Isaiah Galvan and the pitcher warm up together by tossing the ball back and forth before the game begins.

  • As he gets on the pitcher’s mound, junior Chase Childs tosses the ball in the air. During warm up, he was practicing tosses and catches, anticipating the upcoming game.

  • With the sun out, sophomore Gerardo Cervantes sets his gaze on the opposing team as he gets ready to pitch the ball.

  • After the game ended, junior Beldon Smith carried the tarp over the pitcher’s mound.