Junior Varsity Baseball Faces Tomball JV Team
The JV (junior varsity) boys baseball team played a home game against Tomball on Wednesday, April 12, 2023. It was two games, one starting 5 p.m and another at 7 p.m. For both games, Tomball takes the win, 3-8 and 0-3.
April 22, 2023
Deep in thought, junior Beldon Smith reflects on the game. The team did not get a score, but he was happy about getting a hit in.
Determined to defend his team, junior Diego Salinas gets into position to throw his best pitches. Support from Salinas’ team boosted his performance out on the field.
Before the game begins, junior Beldon Smith helps junior Chase Childs adjust his baseball uniform.
To prepare the pitcher’s mound for the game, sophomore Gerardo Cervantes uses a rake to remove excess dirt.
From afar, freshman Marquez Oziel enjoys watching the game while keeping track of the score. He was optimistic about the outcome.
At the dugout, junior Emilio Estrada focuses on the other team’s pitcher warming up. He thought about how to approach the pitcher when it was his time to bat.
Junior Francisco Rodriguez gets ready by going through his usual routines to prepare for the game.
While watching the opposing team practice, sophomore Darian Gonzales eats a piece of licorice alongside his teammates.
During the game, sophomore Gerardo Cervantes passes licorice to players on the opposing team.
Joking around with his teammates, junior Francisco Rodriguez laughs while eating licorice before it’s his turn to bat. They laughed about giving their opponents licorice.
Junior Andrew Flores tries his best to put all his focus on the game to hit the ball.
Junior Isaiah Galvan and the pitcher warm up together by tossing the ball back and forth before the game begins.
As he gets on the pitcher’s mound, junior Chase Childs tosses the ball in the air. During warm up, he was practicing tosses and catches, anticipating the upcoming game.
With the sun out, sophomore Gerardo Cervantes sets his gaze on the opposing team as he gets ready to pitch the ball.
After the game ended, junior Beldon Smith carried the tarp over the pitcher’s mound.

Hi! It’s Nyta. I am artistically inclined and very into photoshop. I love making videos and designing shirts for clubs I’m in. I’m vice president...